What you get:
- Tips for teaching Acts in a Bible Study
- All the 239 Discussion Questions for Acts
- Answers and insights for all 239 Discussion Questions
- 25 high-resolution PDF maps that track the stories in Acts
Sample map in the Acts Leaders Guide & Atlas
Romans save Paul’s life for jail
When Paul got back to Jerusalem from his third missionary trip to what are now Turkey and Greece, some Jews started a riot. It was over Paul unorthodox teaching that nonJews are Abraham's spiritual descendants.
Romans arrested him. Paul's nephew alerted the Romans that some Jews were waiting to jump the soldiers, take Paul, and kill him. So they put together a large group of soldiers to take him out of town, and to the Roman-looking coastal city of Caesarea.
Caesarea was a port city that King Herod the Great built on the Mediterranean coast about 70 miles (110 km) northwest of Jerusalem. Romans used Caesarea as their capital of the entire region. The march from one town to the other would take three or four days.
In addition to Acts Leaders Guide & Atlas
You might consider the Luke Leaders Guide & Atlas, since both are said to have come from the same writer.
Best resource for comparing other Bible translations: Bible Gateway. This isn’t an ad. It’s a recommendation from the Casual English Bible.
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