Video of Jesus crucifixion
Romans wrote about crucifixion in their official reports, novels, and poems
They wrote it into comedy sketches a bit bawdy. They even used it to help them swear. Eyewitness to Crucifixion is a collection of…Dear Hate
Map Transfiguration of Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Video: Mary’s baby boy
Video: Mary's baby boy
Video: Mary's baby boy. The story of the birth of Jesus as reported in the Gospel of Luke, reportedly written by a physician, Luke, who traveled with Paul.
Map baptism of Jesus
Map Romans attack Jews – The Romans are coming
Map Romans attack Jews - The Romans are coming
Map Romans attack Jews - The Romans are coming. Jews rebelled around the Roman occupation in AD 66. But Romans returned in force and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70, then banned Jews from the city.
Map Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed
Map Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed
Map Mount of Olives. This is where Jesus prayed on the night of his arrest.
Video: What Romans said about crucifixion
Jesus on trial in Jerusalem
Casual English Bible New Testament Atlas
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