Battle of Tekoa
Judah, late to the battle
Judah did not make it to the Battle of Tekoa. By the time they got there, all their enemies were dead. Bible writers report that the combined armies of Moab, Ammon, and Mt. Seir invaded Judah, climbed 3400 feet (1036 m) from the Dead Sea to the town of Tekoa, then turned on each other. By the time Judah’s army got to the battlefield, the invaders were toast.Before the battle: “Enemies are already here”
Messengers delivered news of the invasion to Judah's King Jehoshaphat. “A massive army is coming to you from Edom, east of the Dead Sea. They’re already at En-gedi.” The king called on the nation to gather in Jerusalem and pray. A Levite spiritual leader name Jahaziel said, “Listen to me people of Judah, citizens of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat. This is the LORD’s message to you: ‘Don’t be afraid. Don’t be shocked at the size of this army of enemies. This isn’t your battle. This is my battle. I’ve got this.'"Musicians on the frontline
The people of Judah got up early the next morning. They left Jerusalem and went south to the barren land near the town of Tekoa. After consulting with his officials, Jehoshaphat selected a line of musicians who would march ahead of the army, singing praise songs about the LORD. As they marched at the tip of the spear, they sang:“The LORD is good to us.
Thank him for it.
He will never run out of mercy.”