Psalm 94
Evil will turn on evil people
God, it’s payback time
1LORD God who settles scores.Come God and get it done.
2All rise for the Judge of the Earth.
It’s payback time for the proud.
3The wicked, Lord, how long?
How long will the wicked get away with it?
4They hammer us with arrogance
And brag about cheating justice.
5They knock your people over
And kick them while they’re down.
6They kill helpless widows and immigrants.
They murder orphans, too.
7They say, “The LORD’s not looking.
Jacob’s God wouldn’t bother with this.”
Wise up you slow learners
8Listen to me, all you slow learners.Are you ever going to wise up?
9What makes you think
The Creator of the ear can’t hear?
Or the Creator of the eye can’t see?
10What makes you think
The one who dishes out discipline to nations
Won’t discipline individuals, too?
11The LORD knows what we’re thinking.
He knows the bluster of our thoughts
Is a fleeting belch in the wind.
It’s smart to listen to God
12LORD, the discipline and direction you giveIs a blessing to those who accept it.
So is the guidance you give in your laws.
13This helps people through the hard times
Until wicked folks get the hole in the ground they deserve.
14The LORD won’t give up on his people.
He won’t turn his back and walk away.
15Justice will make a big comeback.
And all good people will rally to the cause.
Where’s my lawyer?
16Who will fight for meAgainst people taking advantage of me?
Who will represent me in court
And fight the injustice?
17If it hadn’t been for the LORD,
I’d be dead and silent in the grave.
18Just when I think it’s all over,
You’re right there for me, LORD,
Faithful as can be.
19When worries get the best of me
You come to calm me down
And get me smiling once again.
Corruption Ltd
20Would you accept corruption as your partnerAnd laws engineered to exploit, abuse, and mislead?
21There’s a godless gang that targets good people
And drives the innocent into early graves.
22The LORD is my safe house.
My home is built on God, the solid rock.
23God will use their injustice
To teach them a lesson in justice.
The evil things they’ve done
Will turn on them and destroy them.
The LORD our God will see to it.
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