Psalm 130
God rescues and forgives
I’m in trouble
Road trip song [1]
1LORD, I’m in deep trouble,Way over my head.
2I’m asking you for help.
Please listen to my prayers.
I’m begging for mercy.
3LORD, if you kept a list of our sins,
Who could talk their way out of that?
4But you reserve the right to forgive.
For that, you are highly respected.
Waiting for the Lord
5I’m looking for the LORD.I’m waiting for him to get here.
6I want to see the LORD coming
More than the night shift security guard
Wants to see dawn.
More than the guard wants daylight.
7Israel, wait for the LORD.
When he comes, he brings his incredible love,
And a desire to rescue his people.
8He will rescue Israel
From the guilt of all her sins.
The subtitle wasn’t part of the original psalm. Psalms 120-134 are called songs of ascent, possibly because Jewish pilgrims sang these songs while traveling up into the Judean hills to celebrate a Jewish holiday in Jerusalem.
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