Map 12 tribes of Israel in Canaan
Map of Exodus Leaving Egypt
Map of Exodus Leaving Egypt
Exodus Map
Exodus map of Moses and Hebrews leaving Egypt. The map shows a possible route Moses took when he led the Hebrews to freedom. Many Bibles say Moses and the Hebrews crossed the “Red Sea.” But…Bible map Streams in the desert
Bible map Streams in the desert
Bible map of streams in the desert. Called wadis, they are usually dry streambeds that can turn into rivers after a rainstorm.
Judean hills
David’s Jerusalem
Lay of the land
Lay of the land
Map of Canaan, Promised Land
Ancient Israel, known as Canaan, was located in the eastern Mediterranean region on a plug of ground with diverse geography: seacoast, mountains, river valley, desert. There's…