Promised Land
Promised Land
Land covered in milk and honey
"The Promised Land" is a term Bible writers used to talk about the land that God promised to the Israelites, ancient ancestors of…
Map Abraham’s journey
Map Abraham's journey
Map Abraham's journey
Map of Succoth
Map of Succoth
Map of Succoth. Jacob wrestled all night with a mysterious man some say may have been an angel. A metaphor maybe, of his wrestling with God about going home and confronting his brother Esau, whom he had swindled.
Map Jacob comes home to Canaan
Map of Jacob moving to Shechem
Map of Dinah’s rape in Shechem
Map of Dothan
Map of Shechem Bethel
Map Genesis 39
Map Genesis 39
Map Genesis 39. Ishmaelite slave traders take Joseph to Egypt and sell him as a slave. His brother sold him to them.