Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The Temple Mount is at the rocky top of the ridge on which Jews built their Jerusalem Temple. King David lived down the hill in the City of David, a walled city below the top of the…Jews return home from the Exile
Jews return home from the Exile
Jews return home from the Exile
Zerubbabel and Sheshbazzar, prince of Judah, lead 50,000 Jews home, beginning in 538 BC. With a Persian military escort, they took a longer and safer route, following water…
Jerusalem Temple, walls rebuilt
Jerusalem Temple, walls rebuilt
Jerusalem Temple, walls rebuilt
Prophet Ezra convinces Jerusalem Jews to finish rebuilding the Temple that invading Babylonians destroyed about 70 years earlier. Then in another 70 years or so, Nehemiah, the Jewish…
Map Persian province of Judah
Map Persian province of Judah
Map of the Persian province of Judah
After the Jewish nation of Judah fell to Babylonian invaders in 586, many survivors lived in exile. Some returned 50 years later, when Persians freed them.
It was only a partial…
Map Persian Empire in time of Ezra, Nehemiah
Map Persian Empire in time of Ezra, Nehemiah
Map Persian Empire in time of Ezra, Nehemiah, with Persian Empire Provinces. Persian kings at the time reigned over provinces like Judah, from Libya and Egypt in the west to the border of India in the distant east. The…