Hezekiah's Tunnel. Jerusalem’s only water supply was in the Kidron Valley below the city, outside the walls. That was a problem.
People living in town couldn’t survive a long siege…
Judah did not make it to the Battle of Tekoa. By the time they got there, all their enemies were dead.
Bible writers report that the combined armies of Moab, Ammon, and Mt. Seir…
The ancient land of Judah, was a tiny but important kingdom in Bible history. it was located in the southern part of the region once known as Canaan. Its landscape was chiseled…
[Before Zemaraim.] By the time Abijah became Judah’s king, Jeroboam had been king of Israel for almost 18 years. A state of civil war between Judah and…
Egypt's ruler, Pharaoh Shishak, saw a chance to enrich his kingdom when King Solomon's Israel fell apart, collapsing into two competing nations. Shishak attacked scattered…
Judah fortifies cities: King Solomon’s son, Jeroboam, decided to play the tough guy as a new king. When the people of Israel asked him to not tax them as much or draft or work them as…