Video: Video of Psalm 91
Video of Psalm 91
1Those of you who live under God’s wings Are safe in the shadow of the LORD. 2I look to the LORD and tell him, “You are my safe house and my storm shelter. You are my God, and I trust you with all that I am.” 3He’s the one who rescues you from predators And from deadly disease and plague. 4He will shield you, Nestled in the feathers of his wings. He’ll surround you with his care, And it’s something you can count on. 5You won’t be afraid of the dark Or of dangers you face every day. 6You won’t fear sickness that strikes in the night Or violent devastation in the light of the day. 7A thousand may die near you. Ten thousand may fall at your side. But you remain safe and untouchable. 8Just watch and see what happens When it’s time to punish the wicked. 9You chose the LORD to protect you. God Most High, he’s my protector, too. 10Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Disease isn’t allowed in your house. 11God will put his angels on notice, Giving orders to keep you safe. 12They’ll reach out their hands, Lift you up, and carry you away in their arms. You won’t even stub your toe. 13You’ll walk on lions and cobras, And stomp them dead in the dirt.IT’S A GOOD, LONG LIFE FOR ME
14The LORD has this to say for himself. “You love me, and I keep you safe. I lift you up, and away from danger Because you know me by name. 15When you call me, I will answer. When you’re in trouble, I’ll be there. I’ll come to rescue you And to honor who you are. 16I will give you a good, long life So you’ll see what it’s like to be saved by God.Video reading of Psalm 91