Video: Video: Fallen Angels, did they marry human women?
Fallen Angels
Did they marry human women?
One of the oddest stories in the Bible spins around fallen angels. The anonymous Genesis writer, often presumed to be Moses, says this: "Humans had sex a lot. Earth’s population exploded. Some of the daughters born to the families grew into gorgeous women. Sons of God took notice, and then took the women—any women they wanted…A race of giants called the Nephilim lived on earth at the time, when sons of God married whatever women they wanted. Their children grew up to become heroes—legendary warriors” (Genesis 6:2, 4 Casual English Bible).“Sons of God” who?
So, someone or something that the Genesis writer cryptically called “sons of God” had really good taste in woman. And it sounds like they did more than make babies. They supersized them. They made giants. That’s one way to read the story. What’s going on here? Who are these “sons of God?”One theory
Well, they’re angels. That’s the oldest known interpretation of this Bible passage. And it’s still the most widely accepted among Christian Bible experts. If that theory’s right, back in those patriarchal days when men sometimes treated women like goats, and other livestock, there were at least some women who could honestly say, “My husband’s an angel.” Yeah, but they were fallen angels. That’s another take on the theory.For more, watch the video, Fallen Angels, did they marry human women?