Video: Video of the 10 Commandments
Video of the 10 Commandments
1This is what God said to the people of Israel. 2“I am the LORD, your God. I led you out of Egypt, where you were slaves. 3You can’t have any gods but me. 4You can’t create idols in any form, whether it’s an image of something from the sky, earth, or water. 5You can’t worship idols or bow to them. I’m your God. I’m the LORD, and I’m a passionate God who lets the consequences of a person’s sin affect several generations. 6But I’ll express my love for a thousand generations to those who honor my laws. 7You can’t trash the name of the LORD, your God. The LORD won’t give you a free pass to demean his name. 8Reserve the Sabbath day for the LORD. 9You have six days to work. 10But the seventh day belongs to the LORD, your God. This is a day off for everyone: you, your children, your workers, your guests, and your livestock. No one should work. 11The LORD worked for six days creating the sky, the earth, and the sea, along with everything in them. On the seventh day, he rested. That’s why the LORD honors the Sabbath and reserves it as a sacred day. 12Treat your parents with respect so you can live a good long time in the land the LORD your God is giving you.[4] 13No killing people. 14No adultery. 15No stealing. 16No lying about others. 17Don’t crave what belongs to someone else. Not your neighbor’s house, wife, worker, cow, donkey, or anything else.”The Ten Commandments, a video reading