Map Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim Usage LicenseMap Mt. Ebal and Mt. GerizimMap Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. Moses told the Hebrews to go to these sacred mountains in the Promised Land and rededicate themselves to God and the agreement they made with him to obey his laws.Mt. Ebal and Mt. GerizimRelated to Bible Books: Deuteronomy Showing Locations: CanaanMount EbalMount GerizimShechem Related to Time Periods: ExodusProphets, Jews exiled This Map is Available With These Atlases:Comprehensive Bible AtlasDeuteronomy Bible AtlasMap to Promised LandMap of Ancient IsraelMap of Exodus: Out of Egypt to the Promised LandMap of Canaan, Promised LandExtended boundary of Promised Land