Map land ruled by Pilate Usage LicenseMap land ruled by PilateMap land ruled by Pilate. The Roman governor Pilate ruled Judea and Herod ruled Galilee in the north.Land ruled by PilateRelated to Bible Books: 1 Timothy Showing Locations: Batanea AuranitisBeirutBethlehemCaesareaDamascusGalileeGaulanitisGaza StripIsraelItureaJerichoJerusalemJoppaJudeaPhoeniciaSamariaSidonTel AvivTiberiasTrachonitisTyre Related to Time Periods: Church, Letters This Map is Available With These Atlases:Casual English Bible New Testament AtlasComprehensive Bible Atlas1-2 Timothy Leaders Guide & AtlasMap of Paul’s route from Ephesus to Macedonia