Map Jesus in Aenon Usage LicenseMap Jesus in AenonMap Jesus in Aenon. Jesus and his disciples leave Jerusalem after stirring up heated debate among the Bible scholars. John the Baptist stays behind and is arrested a short time later, and eventually beheaded.Escaping JerusalemRelated to Bible Books: John Showing Locations: Beit sheanBethelCapernaumDamia BridgeDead SeaGalileeJerichoJerusalemJordan RiverNazarethSamariaSamaria the cityScythopolisSea of GalileeTiberiasWadi Al-Far'a (Tirsta Creek) Related to Time Periods: Jesus This Map is Available With These Atlases:Casual English Bible New Testament AtlasComprehensive Bible AtlasJohn - Leaders Guide & AtlasSolomon’s Porch, Jerusalem Temple