Video: A reading of Psalm 139
Video reading of Psalm 139
Psalm 139
A psalm of David. For the music leader.
1LORD, you’ve studied me and you know me.
2You know when I sit.
You know when I stand.
You know what I’m thinking when I’m far away.
3You analyze my schedule,
Where I go, and when I lie down to rest.
You know everything I do.
4Even before I say a word,
LORD, you know the word I’ll say.
5From the front line to the rear guard,
You’ve surrounded me with protection.
My life is in your hands.
6You know more than I could handle.
What you know is too wonderful
And too complex for my little head.
7Where could I go that you wouldn’t go?
Where could I hide from your Spirit?
8If I climb into the sky
You’re already there.
If I rest in peace in the place of the dead,
You’re already there, as well.
9If I ride on the wings of the dawn,
To the sunset, west of the sea,
10Even there you’re ready and waiting
To take my hand, hold on tight
And lead me along the way.
11I could say, “I’ll wait for night
So the darkness will hide me,
When daylight folds into the night.”
12But there’s no darkness in nighttime for you.
Night is bright as the day.
Day or night: it doesn’t matter.
Both are the same to you.
13You created me inside and out,
Organs to skin,
Weaving me to shape,
Inside my mother.
14Thank you for what you did.
You made me awesome and wonderful.
You do marvelous work.
I know that.
15You saw my bones
As they developed in hiding,
And were pieced together
From the dust of the earth.
16You saw me before I took shape.
And you wrote the script of my life
Before it became my history.
17God, what goes on inside your mind
Is precious to me,
but I don’t understand it.
18If I could count your thoughts, one idea at a time,
They would outnumber the grains of sand.
In the end of it all,
I’ll wake and find myself with you.
19It would be great, God,
If you’d kill off the wicked people.
Get those murderers out of here.
20They use your name
To justify the terrible things they do,
And to make promises they never keep.
21LORD, you know I hate your enemies, right?
I detest the people who hate you.
22I hate them with a hateful hate,
For your enemies are my enemies, too.
23Study me, God, read my mind.
Probe me and find everything I believe.
24See if you can find
Anything hurtful in the way I live.
Then lead me down the ancient path
Which was, and is, and always will be
The only way to go.
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