Proverbs 8
Wisdom is old and rich
Wisdom is more valuable than gold
1Can you hear Wisdom calling?Can you hear Understanding raising her voice?
2On ridgetops above the paths,
At crossroads along the way,
3At entrance gates into the city,
By doorways of the homes, she cries out,
4“Hey everyone, heads up.
I have something to tell you.
5You naïve people need to develop good judgment,
And you foolish people need some wisdom.
6Listen up, because this advice is fit for royalty.
What I’m about to say is absolutely accurate.
7I’ll tell you the honest truth.
I detest deception. I won’t lie to you.
8Everything I’ll say is good and godly.
I’m not going to twist the truth into something crooked.
9I’m talking straight, as folks with insight will recognize.
I’m right on target, as people who know a little something will understand.
10Take what I can teach you. It’s worth more than silver.
Learn the knowledge I’ll pass along. It’s better than the purest gold.
11A head full of wisdom is better than a bag full of jewels.
Nothing you could possibly want compares to Lady Wisdom.
Words of Lady Wisdom
12I’m Wisdom. Meet my partner, Good Judgment.I also know where to find knowledge and how to make practical decisions.
13If you respect the LORD, you’ll hate anything evil.
I’ll tell you what I hate: pride, acting like the devil,
And lying through your teeth.
14I’m loaded with good advice, and I’m resourceful, too.
I understand how things work, and I’m strong, as well.
15I’m the reason kings reign,
And rulers want justice, and show it in their laws,
16I’m the reason princes govern,
And leading citizens display good judgment.
17I love everyone who loves me.
Anyone who hunts for me will find me.
18I’m in good company, with wealth and honor.
I’m talking about the kind of wealth that lasts, along with goodness.
19What I have to offer is better than gold—the purest gold.
It’s better than the highest grade of silver.
20I live a good and godly life,
And justice is my goal.
21I give a wealth of wisdom to people who love me.
I fill them with treasure.
In the beginning, I was here
22I was with the LORD in the beginning,Before he created anything.
23I’ve been here since the beginning,
From the earliest days of earth.
24Before oceans deep, I was here.
Before springs abundant, I was here.
25Before mountains grew, I was here.
Before hills took shape, I was here.
26I was here before he made the earth and its fields,
And before he made the first handful of dust.
27When he hung the sky, I was here.
When he set the horizon as a boundary between sky and sea, I was here.
28I was here when he set the clouds afloat,
When the underground springs burst free,
29When he set the seashore at the water’s edge,
When he built the earth’s foundation.
30I was with him, an associate working beside him.
I kept praising his work every day, and he loved it.
31I was genuinely happy with the world he created,
And delighted to see the people who came along.
Obey me and you’ll be happy
32Now listen, children,Because those who do what I say are going to be glad they did.
33Be smart and obey me.
Don’t ignore what I’m telling you.
34You’re going to be happy if you listen to me.
Keep your eyes open for me, and wait till I get there.
35When you find me, you find life,
And the LORD is happy with you.
36Those who do me wrong hurt themselves.
Those who hate me love death.”
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