Proverbs 24
Last of the top 30 rules
19 of 30, sinners
1Don’t envy bad people.Don’t wish you could hang out with them.
2They think violence.
They talk trouble.
20 of 30, homebuilding
3Wisdom is what builds a home.Understanding gives it structure.
4Knowledge fills every room
With a wonderful treasure.
21 of 30, strength
5Wisdom makes people strong.A person with knowledge is stronger because of it.
6It takes strategies to fight a war.
A big team of advisors will improve the odds of victory.
22 of 30, wisdom
7Wisdom sounds fuzzy to fools. They can’t get it.So, they’ve got nothing to contribute to it.
23 of 30, jerks
8People constantly plotting to do what’s wrongHave a name: crooks.
9It’s wrong for people to scheme and scam, hurting others.
Jerks like that disgust everyone.
24 of 30, perseverance
10If you let hope fade when life gets tough,Your strength will fade, too.
25 of 30, rescuing
11It’s your job to rescue people about to get killed.Save them as they stumble to their deaths.
12Let’s say you excuse yourself afterward by saying,
“Well, my oh my, I didn’t realize what was happening.”
The one who knows you from the inside out sees what’s going on. Right?
He watches everything you do, so he knows the truth. Right?
Won’t he give everyone exactly what they deserve?
26 of 30, wisdom
13Kids, dig in to that honey. It’s great.A dripping honeycomb is messy, but it sure is sweet.
14Wisdom has a sweetness about it, too.
Bite into it and you’ll live.
It’ll give you hope for a future.
27 of 30, comebacks
15Don’t target good people, like a crook would do.Don’t attack their families.
16Good people might get knocked down seven times, but they always get back up.
When bad folks fall, they’re down for good.
28 of 30, enemies
17Don’t celebrate when your enemies lose.Don’t throw a party when they fall.
18Otherwise, the LORD will see it and he won’t be happy.
And his anger toward your enemies will disappear.
29 of 30, wicked
19Don’t worry about those bad folks you’re seeing.And certainly, don’t envy their success.
20Bad folks have no future.
They’re going to get their lights put out.
30 of 30, agitators
21My children, show respect to the LORD and your leaders.Stay away from people who don’t.
22They’re in for sudden trouble.
Who knows what the LORD or the leaders will do to them?
More sensible advice
23Here’s more wise advice from sages.Don’t play favorites when you’re supposed to make a fair judgment call.
24If you tell bad people, “You’re good,”
Folks everywhere will cuss you out and hate you for it.
25But if you condemn bad behavior, good for you.
You’ll get happy rewards for that.
26When you say the right thing at the right time,
It’s as good as a kiss.
27Make plans before you tackle something big, like building a house.
Lay the groundwork. [1]
Then build the house.
28Don’t testify against someone if they didn’t do anything wrong.
Don’t lie.
29Don’t say, “I’m going to do them like they did me.
I owe them a little something special.
And I’m going to make doggone sure they get it.”
Lessons from the lazy
30I walked by the farmland of a lazy bum.And I passed the vineyard of an idiot.
31The land was consumed in thistles.
Weeds grew everywhere.
Stone walls around the fields were falling apart.
32I thought about what I saw,
And I realized there was a lesson in it.
33Sleep a little. Hit the Snooze.
Fold your hands on your tummy and rest a little longer.
34Then poverty will attack you like a robber.
You’ll lose everything, as if armed intruders stole it from you.
Literally, get everything ready in the field. Taken literally, this is advice for a farmer to do the prep work for the crops before building the house. Food first. Shelter second. But the saying has a broader message, too, for folks who aren’t farmers.
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